
Carbide micro end mills

Carbide micro end mills overview

Carbide micro fresas are small cutting tools commonly used in precision machining. which are constructed of carburo de tungsteno, a highly durable and strong material used to machine hardened steels, titanium alloys, and other tough materials. These end small sizes tool can create precise and intricate cuts in various materials due to their small diameter, which ranges from 0.1-2 millimeters. They come in different shapes and sizes and can be coated to increase their hardness and improve their performance. Proper safety precautions must be taken when using them, and regular maintenance is necessary to ensure their continued performance and prevent damage.


Aplicación principal

  • machining miniature parts and components – including medical implants and electronic components.
  • production of high-precision characteristics and intricate details on miniature parts – such as grooves, apertures, and helices, among others.
  • cutting recalcitrant materials – including ceramics, titanium, and hardened steels.
  • finishing operations – including chamfering and deburring.

To summarize, Carbide micro-end mills possess a broad range of applications within the domain of precision machining. Their utilization is commonplace in the manufacture of diminutive components and sub-assemblies in sectors such as medical, aerospace, electronics, and a plethora of others.

Microfresas de metal duro Карбидные микрофрезы
Carbide Micro End MillS Мы являемся лучшими производителями Концевая фреза установить

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advantages of Carbide micro end mill bits

High-precision cutting edge

Dimensional control with extreme accuracy

These Carbide micro-end mills can create precise and intricate cuts in various materials.


Materias primas de alta calidad

mayor rigidez y estabilidad

La hoja es firme y no tiembla, y la resistencia al desgaste es excelente, lo que mejora la vida útil de la herramienta en general.


Microfresas de metal duro Мы являемся лучшими производителями Концевая фреза установить

Revestimiento resistente

Resistente al desgaste y duradero

Los recubrimientos PVD y CVD pueden mejorar la resistencia al desgaste, la dureza y la tolerancia a los daños de la herramienta, al tiempo que prolongan su vida útil.


Biselado perfecto

mandril de instalación sencilla y rápida

Biselado inferior para facilitar el manejo cuerpo de la cuchilla de alto brillo importa características esenciales.


The most typical of Carbide micro-end milling bits for different application

S900 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Rib End MillAcero templado de alta velocidad HRC≤70HITISINPulse aquí
S900 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Rib Ball Nose End MillAcero templado de alta velocidad HRC≤70HITISINPulse aquí
S600 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes End MillR600 general para HRC≤60NACO3Pulse aquí
S600 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Ball Nose End MillR600 general para HRC≤60NACO3Pulse aquí
S550 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Rib End MillR550 general para HRC≤55TISÍNPulse aquí
S550 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Rib Ball Nose End MillR550 general para HRC≤55TISÍNPulse aquí
S500 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes End MillR550 general for HRC≤50TIALNPulse aquí
S500 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Ball Nose End MillR550 general for HRC≤50TIALNPulse aquí
AL550 - Micro Diameter 2 Flutes End Mill For AluminumHigh efficiency aluminum end millPulse aquí
AL550 - Micro Diameter 2 Flutes Ball Nose End Mill For AluminumHigh efficiency aluminum end millPulse aquí
D780 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes End MillDiamond coating for graphite machiningDIAMANTEPulse aquí
D780 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Ball Nose End MillDiamond coating for graphite machiningDIAMANTEPulse aquí
DF560 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes End MillCarbide end mill cutter for copperDLCPulse aquí
DF560 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Ball Nose End MillCarbide end mill cutter for copperDLCPulse aquí
DF560 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Rib End MillCarbide end mill cutter for copperDLCPulse aquí
DF560 - Micro Diameter 4 Flutes Rib End MillCarbide end mill cutter for copperDLCPulse aquí
DF560 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Rib Ball Nose End MillCarbide end mill cutter for copperDLCPulse aquí
DF560 - Micro Diameter Miniature 2 Flutes Rib Corner Radius End MillCarbide end mill cutter for copperDLCPulse aquí
DF560 - Micro Diameter 2 Flutes Rib Ball Nose End MillCarbide end mill cutter for copperDLCPulse aquí
DF560 - Micro Diameter 4 Flutes Rib Corner Radius End MillCarbide end mill cutter for copperDLCPulse aquí

we are the best end mill set manufacturers

En SUNDI, nuestro objetivo es ofrecerle las soluciones más rentables y mejores. Nuestros conocimientos, soluciones y asistencia técnica nos convierten en el socio ideal para abordar tareas, superar retos y completar proyectos con éxito.



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Cada año gastamos mucho dinero en mejorar y mantener nuestros equipos.


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Herramientas de perforación PCD

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