
Perfil de la empresa Sundi_Es

Sundi Company Profile Catalog Click the button to download our newly released our company profile catalog Download

Escariador Sundi PCD_Es

Sundi PCD Reamer Catalog Click the button to download our newly released reamer tools catalog Download

Sundi Fresa PCD_Es

Sundi PCD Milling Cutter catalog Click the button to download our newly released PCD milling cutterscatalog Download

E6 Metalurgia_Es

E6_Metalworking Click the button to download our newly released E6 material catalog Download


VOLLMER QWD750/760 Catalog The versatile machine concept for top-standard performance For tool machining with and without tail centre QWD 750: for tools with unsupported clamping. QWD 760: for tools clamped between centres. Machining of tools with different axial angles 5 simultaneously path-controlled CNC axes CAD-CAM system with special software for PCD tools in the metal […]


Insertos PCD

Insertos PCBN

Plaquitas CBN macizas

Herramientas de perforación PCD

Herramienta especial de diamante

Cómodas Diamond