Main Features and Benefits of Full Edge CBN (PCBN) Turning Inserts

Full-edge CBN (PCBN) turning inserts are cutting tools used in metalworking operations for the machining of hard materials such as heat-treated steels, tool steels, and superalloys. These inserts are made from CBN (PCBN), a material that is second only to diamond in terms of hardness. The key features and benefits of Full Edge CBN Turning Inserts include:

  • Hardness: CBN (PCBN) is significantly harder than conventional cutting materials, allowing the inserts to effectively and precisely cut hard materials without wearing out quickly.

  • High wear resistance: CBN (PCBN) has high resistance to abrasion and thermal degradation, providing the inserts with a longer life compared to other cutting tools.

  • Improved surface finish: Full Edge CBN (PCBN) Turning Inserts produce a smooth and uniform surface finish, reducing the need for additional finishing operations.

  • High cutting speed: Full Edge CBN (PCBN) Turning Inserts are capable of cutting at high speeds, increasing productivity and reducing the time required for cutting operations.

  • Versatility: These inserts can be used to cut a wide range of materials, including hardened steels, superalloys, and ceramics.

  • Consistent quality: The consistent quality of Full Edge CBN (PCBN) Turning Inserts, due to their consistent production process, provides reliable and repeatable results.

  • Environmental benefits: Full Edge CBN (PCBN) Turning Inserts generate less heat and produce smaller chips, reducing the environmental impact of metalworking operations.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Although Full Edge CBN (PCBN) Turning Inserts are more expensive initially, their long tool life and high-efficiency result in lower costs over the long term.

Full Edge CBN (PCBN) Turning Inserts Полный край CBN(PCBN) токарных пластин
Tech Data
TypeISO Indexable CBN inserts
AnglePositive/ negative
CBN GradeCBN 850/ CBN 010/PCD 025/CBN302
Материал заготовки Aluminum and aluminum alloys
Copper, brass and bronze alloys
Carbon Fiber
Graphite composites
Reinforced plastics
Fiberglass Composites
Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP)
Tungsten Carbide

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